Winfree Academy

Winfree Academy Charter Schools

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Assessment Testing

Credit by Examination

Winfree Academy students may apply to take Credit By Examination (CBE’s) for acceleration or remedial purposes. A credit by Examination (s) is a comprehensive exam that covers the content of an entire course. Students may be able to earn credit in specific courses by passing approved examinations for acceleration and/or remedial purposes as stated by TAC 74.24. These exams may be provided by Texas Tech University. Without Prior Instruction: Acceleration

Acceleration may be defined as any student wanting to advance to a higher grade level by earning credit for a course that the student has received no prior instruction.

Passing Standards are 80 % or better to receive credit

With Prior Instruction: Remediation

Remediation may be defined as any student wanting to advance to a higher grade level by earning credit for a course that the student has received prior instruction, but did not meet the passing standard or attendance requirements (which may be decided by the Attendance Review Committee).

Passing Standards are 70 % or better to receive credit


Please contact campus counselors for more information 

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